Friday, August 10, 2012


[This is much revised from the previous version I posted]

I speak to you now from my paper world,
this delicate shoebox diorama
that I have carefully constructed out of tiny strips
cut from the pages of storybooks
and other people’s poems.
Painstakingly I have trimmed and clipped and curled them
into familiar objects, arranged them
within these three cardboard walls
as a child arranges and rearranges a dollhouse.

I have cut out crisp silhouettes for companions,
lovingly detailed their arms and eyes and hair
with a sharp pencil,
painted their bracelets and neckties
in rich colors with a tiny brush.
I have dyed the background of my box
a brilliant life-green like trees
and a wild blue like the ocean.

This is a world that must be kept out of the wind,
away from the fire.
(Paper lovers beware.)
It is a world once removed from its own beating heart,
a flat white story, full of words and wisdoms,
signifying nothing.

I know this world.
I have traced over every corner,
every curve of it with my fingers
a thousand times.
But it is not the world I want.

I want the flame world,
I want the world of hot coals and heavy winds and open seas.
I speak to you now through these flat sheets of paper
only because
they are all I have.

A match, a match, my kingdom for a match.


  1. OK! Fun--!! I thought it might be useful for me to comment on this one without looking at the old one, since I haven't read any of this blog yet. So, without the old one to compare to, these are my thoughts:
    I want to drop "lovingly" just to tighten it up.
    I love the sounds of "crisp silhouettes" and "bracelets and neckties"-- yum!
    You almost need a "But" before "This is a world"
    A transition of sorts into the concept of rejecting such a carefully chosen world.
    Drop "But it is not the world I want"--we'll get that point from context, how the next part says what you DO want-- Maybe make it WHY you don't want the paper world. Instead of that line you might say "It is not the true world." Or the Something world. Getting at what it is about the flame world that you want. "The flame world" kind of hit me out of nowhere and I didn't know what it meant. The next line, hot coals, heavy winds, open seas--that gives me a much better feel for what you mean. It's the real but also the dangerous. The shaping rather than the shaped.
    I like it! I'm excited to see where it goes.

  2. I think I actually like the Diorama (1st) one better! But maybe it just had a novelty factor...
